Not so long ago, the impact of climate breakdown in our part of the world seemed remote both in time and geography. Yet today it’s on our doorstep. At the COP27 opening in Egypt, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned:

The global fight against climate change will be won or lost in this crucial decade – right before our eyes. (…) We are in the fight of our lives and we are losing…our planet is rapidly approaching the tipping point that will make climate chaos irreversible”.

With many global organisations headquartered in Geneva, the city is strategic in the fight against climate breakdown. Petteri Taalas, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) states:

Europe offers a vivid picture of a warming planet. It reminds us that even well-prepared societies are not immune to the consequences of extreme weather events. This year, as in 2021, large parts of the continent have experienced prolonged heat waves and droughts, leading to forest fires. In 2021, exceptional floods caused death and devastation.”

How much more extreme are we willing to let things get – and at what point will we finally decide to act?


Concept: Dan Acher
Production: Mapping Festival
Co-organization: Frédéric Favre (Association Arbres Citoyens)
Thanks to Bains des Pâquis for the hospitality.